Assessments for Special Populations FAQs
Click on an article below for quick solutions to the most frequently asked questions.
- What STAAR testing options are available for English learners (ELs)?
- What is STAAR Spanish?
- What tests are available for STAAR Spanish?
- What is the passing standard for STAAR Spanish?
- Are ELs who are enrolled in an English I or English II for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL I or ESOL II) course required to take the STAAR English I or English II assessments?
- What is the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)?
- Who takes TELPAS?
- How are the TELPAS language domains assessed?
- What testing options are available for students with disabilities?
- How is student performance described for TELPAS?
- Can an ARD committee decide that retesting is not required after a student has taken the first administration of an assessment?
- What are the STAAR graduation requirements for students receiving special education services who take STAAR EOC assessments?
- What is STAAR Alternate 2?
- What tests are available for STAAR Alternate 2?
- Can a student be assessed with STAAR Alternate 2 in one subject and with STAAR in another subject?
- Can a person who is not employed by the district but is required by the student’s individualized education program (IEP) be present during testing?
- Can STAAR Alternate 2 be administered in a location where there is active video monitoring?
- How should the STAAR Alternate 2 image cards be used during testing?
- How is student performance described on STAAR Alternate 2?
- Is there a progress measure for STAAR Alternate 2?
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