These students should take STAAR assessments for the subjects in which they are receiving
instruction if an assessment exists. For example, a student in grade 7 who is receiving instruction
in grade 8 science would take the STAAR grade 8 science assessment and the STAAR grade 7
mathematics, reading, and writing assessments.
For students who are receiving accelerated instruction across multiple grade levels, districts
should carefully evaluate the content of the instruction as it relates to the STAAR grade-level
assessments to ensure that students are provided the best opportunity to demonstrate their
understanding of the grade-level content. For example, if students are receiving instruction in all
grades 6 and some grade 7 mathematics curriculum during a school year, the students should be
administered the STAAR grade 6 mathematics assessment. It would not be appropriate to
administer the grade 7 assessment to these students since they have not been given the
opportunity to learn all the grade 7 mathematics curriculum.